About the benefits of chess many parents know, however, that this wonderful game can be taught to a child from the age of two – only few know.
Most moms and dads consider this game too difficult and postpone learning until a later date.
In fact, chess can not only develop a lot of useful skills from the cradle, but can also become a wonderful family tradition. After all, the game is always fun, no matter how old you are! The learning process is easy and relaxed. By giving your baby 3 to 30 minutes a week, you will give him love and interest in this wonderful game and have fun with him.
If you do not know how to play chess or you can play, but do not know how to start learning, we suggest you take part in our program “Kinder chess”, you can get more information about this by following the link HERE.
In our videos, we will share our own learning experience our children, we will tell you step by step the course of classes, show the result that we will get and all this is completely FREE!
Start teaching your child today, because it is much easier than it seems at first glance!
Chess for the smallest “Kinder chess” all issues HERE
Мы тоже любители шахмат, но пока только в качестве игры, а на спорта. Есть шахматы крупные такие, Как игрушки, вот в них и играет, но уже в целом знает и названия фигур, и как расставлять.
В школах Калмыкии уже больше десяти лет проводятся уроки шахмат, и по имеющимся данным, это способствует улучшению результатов по всему кругу предметов.