In China, Germany, the United States chess in schools has long been taught as an additional subject. However, in Ukraine such practices have not been, although the benefits of this game for children you know and have already written quite a few books. In October 2011 on the basis of the Crimean sports schools I first heard about the authorities ‘ intention to introduce chess in school Ukrainians. The introduction of chess in the school promised to start in 2012. The initiative was Vitalina Alekseevna Dzoz Minister of education and science, youth and sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
In my opinion, the idea is simply amazing! Well done! Finally… about time… immediately I thought. But later, when the Crimean chess and checkers school in which I work, was commissioned to develop a program of course, everything turned out to be much harder.
When in practice we are faced with implementing conceived, discovered a number of challenges must be faced such an idea before fully implemented. Complexity are as follows:
- Who will be teaching? If chess is entered into the school curriculum, then who will teach this discipline? To teach chess without special training or knowledge is not possible.
- Where to train specialists? Suppose that will do the job of the educational institution: enters a new specialty and after some time will have specialists desired profile. But then there is another equally important issue of…
- What to pay? If there are experts, there must be jobs, and means to introduce chess in schools need funding.
Since October 2011 has repeatedly held meetings, attended by the Minister of education and science, youth and sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Vitalina Alekseevna Dzoz, her Deputy Garan Andrei Ivanovich, head of Department on physical culture and sports Novels Vitaly Yuryevich, the administration of the Institute of postgraduate education (KRIPO) and the Palace of Pioneers, the President of the chess and checkers Federation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Kiselev Fedor Vasilievich, as well as the administration of the Crimean Republican out-of-school educational institution “Junior chess and checkers sports school”. The meetings discussed these problems and discussed possible ways of solving them.
As a witness of all events with certainty say that was a lot of work done towards the introduction of chess in schools. BUT! needs to be done to achieve the objectives.
Crimean Republican out-of-school educational institution “Junior chess and checkers sports school” is a chess center in the Crimea. It is therefore not surprising that the administration of this institution has instructed to develop a program of elective course in chess for secondary schools and a manual for teachers.
About what is planned and what has been done, you can read literally from the horse’s mouth on the pages site web club Fenix-64. To be continued…
Author Yulia Semenova
creator of the project Fenix64
Идея хороша! Еще бы ее удачно в жизнь воплотить!
Неплохо было бы ввести факультативные занятия не только по шашкам и шахматам. есть и другие развивающие игры. но если введут хотя бы шахматы, то это будет победа!!!
Идея действительно хорошая, по крайней мере это лучше, чем “Азбука православной культуры” в школе моего ребёнка.
Идея хорошая! Но важно, чтобы это не стало обязательным предметом с пятерками и двойками. Думаю, шахматы – игра не совсем для всех, ведь у детей разная степень одаренности. Факультатив – хорошее решение. Главное, чтобы не было никакого… навязывания.