Grandmaster chess, which are in the collection of the Crimean Museum of chess and checkers, a common enough chess model. Perhaps such chess are many readers in the household. In the ‘ 60s-80s of the tournaments official Championships of the USSR was held in Grandmaster chess. Later they were replaced by Staunton chess sets, which are now more often used for international competitions. But good old grandmaster chess is not forgotten and continue to serve on the Republican and national Championships.
Grandmaster chess is executed in classical style. Such, however with minor modifications, played chess Sherlock Holmes and Dr. in the film shot by the Len-studio in 1981.
This exhibit came to the Museum almost immediately after its opening in 2009. It is a gift of veteran chess sport Urmet Badmaeva. Chess, which have existed for decades and have started to play our grandparents occupy a prominent place in the collection of the Crimean Museum.
Below are the pictures of this amazing exhibit